In light of the newly introduced EU energy labelling regulation (811/2013/EU) implementing Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to Ecodesign requirements for space heaters and combination heaters, Biasi UK have provided this product based energy efficiency labelling calculator to assist our installers with an easy to use package label generator.

As of the 26th of sept 2015 all combination boilers and space heaters must be provided with a product energy efficiency label and any package of these and thermal controls or solar systems must have a new package energy efficiency label produced.

Biasi supply a product energy label with the product which can be found inside the document folder but when the installer adds thermal controls a new package label must be produced and left with the homeowner.

We have provided all our relevant boiler information for our vast ERP ready range of boilers so you can choose the correct type for your installation package. Because of the vast range of available thermal controls on the UK market these controls are classified into classes.

The “Class” information for the thermal control should be readily available either on the room thermostat packaging/instruction data sheet or alternatively from the manufacturers web site.

Once you have identified the correct class for your thermal control, choose this option from the drop down list and you will then be able to generate your package label reflecting the addition of the boiler and control and the new combined package efficiency.

We hope you find this feature useful but should you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our technical and service department on 01922714636 or